Wednesday, 30 December 2015

The Start of a New Year 2016

Work hard in silence & let success be your noise!

Hi Everyone,

so this post is not a CAS reflection but more of an update of the progress in my DP programme right now! From the middle of August, DP2 commenced this year and although I do apologise for not having my reflections up on my blog in a long while - however, I assure you, I have not been missing out on any CAS action in the past few months of 2015!

I have achieved some cool activities these months as well as some milestones in terms of hours and experiences too. I will certainly start posting these reflections very very soon! I hope you will bear with me as I juggle these with my assessments as well as mock exam revision (I honestly cannot believe how fast its approaching! Time sure does fly!). 

In the meantime, I hope you have had a very Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays if you’ve celebrated another festivity with you loved ones. Additionally, I wish you a Happy New Year for 2016 and hope it brings us more excitement, experience and success! 

Looking forward to seeing you in my next post and in 2016!

Been having this as the wallpaper on my school laptop to keep me motivated! Bring it on 2016!


Disclaimer: Image taken from Quote Fancy

Wednesday, 14 October 2015

Juggling Reflection At Last!

Juggling your way through the IB

WOAH! I cannot believe its been about a year since I started to learn how to juggle! To be honest, the only reason why I have not posted this a while back is only because I have not been focused on juggling due to the heat from DP2. Previously, I posted an activity plan as well as a reflection post about making the juggling balls and then learning how use them. This time, I’ll go through my progress in terms of the Learning Outcomes I assigned towards the start of the CAS activity.

Practice makes perfect!
Despite having started the activity 12 months ago, I do not feel that I can juggle ‘effortlessly’, as I had wished to do so, as mentioned in my past post. Firstly, the simple reason is my lack of practice but secondly, I learned that learning and acquiring the skill is not the same as perfecting and mastering juggling. The latter takes more than just a mere 5.75 hours of practice to accomplish and with that being said, I plan to continue juggling during my free time (perhaps as a relaxation activity for my brain after intensive revision for the exams in May!).

Learning Outcomes achieved through this activity:

I identified my areas of strength such as controlling the speed of my throws. However, I still need to work on the accuracy and learn how to throw them at a constant height instead of at different heights randomly.
I undertook the new challenge to learn a new skill.
I planned and initiated this activity with the help of a friend to teach me the basic technique and guide me during my first few attempts.
I dedicated my free time in between lessons in school and after school for this CAS activity. Although I have not been practicing consistently, I plan to continue juggling after the IB!
I have developed a brand new skill!

That’s all folks and see you next time!


Saturday, 12 September 2015

15th Max-Planck Run

Behind-The-Scenes of A Charity Event

Activity Planning
The 10th of September was a very special day for my local plant breeding research institute! It was the 15th Max-Planck Run where scientists receive a chance to strip down to their sports attire and run like the wind for 5 or 10km across stony paths, bridges, grassy plains and tarmac lanes surrounding the institute! Fun? Well, I’m sure it is but I’ve never actually been on the running-part of the charity event - in fact - I was lucky to have been apart of the behind-the-scenes action!

A panorama taken at the track of the Run in the beautiful weather

Mr Max-Planck is ready for some fun!
If you’ve been following me from the start, you may be aware that I had an awesome work experience at the research institute in the summer prior to DP1. My supervisor there, happens to be a very active participant in organising social events for the institute, such as annual Max-Planck Poker Tournaments (which I have visited a couple of times) and the Max-Planck Run. Therefore, with his supervision, I was able to help execute the Run as smoothly and successfully as possible. Furthermore, a Bambini Run of 100m was organised for the little ones too, where I was also able to lend a helping hand.

Bambini Run 2015

Candy rewards and balloon guitars for the little ones!
One year ago, I contributed to the 14th Run too. However, you may not know this as I did not reflect on the CAS activity on my blog simply because I forgot to do so. Nevertheless, I hope that this reflection will be more in-depth because I had a larger role to play: last year, I assisted by bringing up the rear of the string of runners on my rollerblades. Therefore, the activity was more Action-related. This time around, I held a more challenging role: I was part of a team of three who administrated the runners, recorded their times and organised the certificates to each runner according to their respective categories. Therefore, as this activity is an extension to an existing experience, it meets Learning Outcome 2. Since it also required me to work collaboratively with others, and thus Learning Outcome 4 is unlocked!

14th Max-Planck Run 2014
The Team of Three with yours truly!
Despite having spent a mere 3 hours on this Service activity, I gained a much deeper understanding for the people who organise such social events at large scales! In regards to the first of the eight Learning Outcomes, I had definitely increased my area of multitasking and communicative skills. Being exposed to an environment where I have to be able to throw my attention to priorities in short bursts of time developed the way I handled the timing situation. Initially, the three of us were having an enjoyable time getting to know each other without the hype and intensity of the job at hand. However, as the first runner came through about 8 minutes after the start, our duties escalated from a relaxing, chatty flavour to a fast-paced boisterous atmosphere!

Ready... Set..

Our first method of recording the timings was inefficient and messy but as groups of runners poured in, we quickly adapted to the rush and redefined the way we organised our timings: two of us tracked the times of each runner, whilst the third wrote the timings down furiously. Effective communication between ourselves was crucial to keep the routine at a continuous speed and successfully record the progress of the runners.

Watch out kiddo!
I believe I have shown commitment and perseverance with this CAS activity, as my newly-made friends and I have worked through the charity event to present four coherent groups of certificates according to the four categories in order of the ranks. With this, I conclude to have met the fifth Learning Outcome. There were issues that we had to resolve such as missed timings of runners or even one excellent 10km time without an owner to be proud of. Dealing with such ethical problems that arise in the course of the activity strengthened our alertness and problem-solving skills: Learning Outcome 7 achieved!

Evening barbecue at the institute after the Run
Being apart of something bigger and outside of school hours has made me more aware of my global environment. Through this CAS activity, I was able to meet new people to widen my social perspective, deal with ethical issues in the form of miscalculated timings and stay calm and collected under stressful conditions. After all these obstacles, it is no wonder such social events take monumental efforts to organise!

Great atmosphere, great people and a great day! 
Good luck for the 16th Max-Planck Run next year Mr Becker!


Monday, 25 May 2015

Hip-Hop Workshop

Dance: No Pain. No Gain.

Just yesterday I did something I have always been and am still absolutely in love with. I had a brilliant time with those wonderful and talented people whom I truly admire and enjoyed challenging myself to newer levels! Now you might wonder what could I have possibly been up to… I danced!

Activity Planning

Two years ago, upon moving from one german city to another, I had to bid my hip-hop crew goodbye. It was unfortunate however I am aware that from the two years spent there evolving as beginner in hip-hop to an amateur, I still cherish memories of my previous dance experiences and could only hope to improve my skills. Hence I continue to keep in touch with my ex-crew members and coach as well!

Through social media, I recently discovered that my dance coach was kicking off a dance tour around Germany, with his colleague. They will be hosting workshops to dance and travelling to ten cities in May and June - one of which was my current city! I was super excited and knew instantly that this was an opportunity at another CAS activity: Creativity & Action!

Welcome workshop tour!
It would be a super purposeful activity in the following ways in regards to the Learning Outcomes:

1. Increase my awareness for areas of strengths and growth as I manage this task to plan for and attend the workshop. People skills will be necessary to communicate effectively with the choreographers. Additionally, my dancing skills will improve furthermore.
2. Undertake a new challenge to participate in a hip-hop workshop with other, more developed dancers.
4. Work collaboratively with my friends who are interested to join this hip-hop workshop and the other dancers when practicing together.
5. Show much dedication to this activity to realise the task successfully!
6. Engage with issues of importance such as health and fitness, and certainly the significance of self-expression and creativity through the means of dancing.
7. Raise ethical issues regarding dance communities to share their skills with one another and communication through dance and music.
8. Increase my expertise in an established area of skill: dancing hip-hop!

After discussing with my CAS co-ordinator, I invited two of my friends to attend this event with me. One of them had already have experience with hip-hop at a young age, and the other had never had dance lessons before but was extremely interested in this genre of dance. Then, I simply purchased the tickets and waited eagerly for the intensive session and to meet up with my coach again!


Upon arriving, my friends and I introduced ourselves to the choreographer we will be dancing with first. He was the one who decided to host the two guest choreographers. We were reassured by him not only on the fact that he could teach in both English and German, but that he would help us improve our moves through simple explanations and motivating support. We were thankful to have met a dedicated choreographer and started dancing right away.

Choreographers at work!
Three choreographies with three various styles of hip-hop and five and a half hours later… We conquered the intense workshop! It was very exhausting yet every moment and every bead of sweat was worth it!

Sweated n' danced - and loved every moment!

Personally, I felt that I have improved within just a few hours of dance in one day. How so? In terms of my confidence to practice and to move freely as I dance. As the training progressed, I felt more capable to express myself through movement again, as I have loved to do previously in classes, hence allowing myself to add some extra spice and attitude to the routines. 

Learning chore #2 together

Nevertheless, the whole workshop, that consisted of four fifteen minute intervals for refreshening and a quick bite, pushed me to my limit - which I endured as best as my body could. It was wonderful to be working towards more complex and heightened choreos and to challenge myself to become a better dancer. In fact, I found it more productive that I was one of the less advanced dancers in comparison to the others who participated as this idea of being the ‘worst of the best’ motivated my mind. 

I understand now the consequences of not having danced regularly for the past two years in classes after the experience. Compared to when I was dancing with my crew,  I picked up the new steps quite rapidly, allowing myself to be firstly in terms of memorising the move, comfortably incorporating it into the routine, and also being prepared for the next move to be introduced.

A little GIF: dancing with the others

However, as I noticed my weaknesses, I was surprisingly able to identify my strengths too. These included my ability to understand the rhythm and beat quickly so as to coordinate the moves in the correct timings as well as execute the steps precisely and quite effectively too. From what I observed amongst the other dancers, I believe that my moves were done with more flexibility and accuracy than most. Towards the end of the workshop, I hope that upon evaluating my skills and flaws I am able to learn and further develop my dancing.

The full chore #3

Overall, it was an awe-inspiring session to be in the same room training with professional dancers and experienced learners. It has most definitely allowed me to grow steadily as an amateur hip-hop dancer and taught me communication within the dance community through language and through dance. During the breaks, we discussed together about the importance of support for dancers everywhere such as the Rich Fam project and how learning is the most importance skill for evolving one’s self into the best possible dancer/choreographer!

Take more chances. Dance more dances.
I hope to improve my hobby and to dance more frequently and confidently when around others! Cheers to another successful CAS activity!

Evita ☺

Update: The effects of dancing vigorously after not having danced for so long drove my body to its limit. It required two days after the workshop to completely recover from the extreme ways I stretched my muscles! No pain no gain right?

Monday, 18 May 2015

First-Aid Course

The importance of being a good samaritan!

Activity Planning

As one grows, one realises just how fragile life can be, whether it be a result of a traumatic incident or a simple snap-back-to-reality situation. Hence, we should always try to be thankful for health and safety as without it, everything else would be irrelevant - be it fortune or success or even happiness for that matter. Nevertheless, should one crisis present itself where a person seeks first-aid, the skills to handle the victim carefully requires tranquility and control. As a result, after living seventeen years, I have decided to take part  in a first-aid course to learn the essential skills to become a capable samaritan. 

Additionally, this activity would be a perfect start for anyone dedicated to become a future medicine student. In fact, it benefits one to understand how to engage with patients and learn how the body biologically, chemically and physically reacts in several example scenarios. A final factor as to why this would be a purposeful CAS activity is that it is required for obtaining a driver’s licence in Germany and hence I am keen to learn a new skill.

The training occurred in a special school for first-aid courses and will certainly be safe. The supervisor for this CAS activity was naturally the First-Aid instructor, Mr Arnolds who taught us interestingly and comfortably.


It was exciting to attend a first-aid seminar and be one of many students, whom ages vary over a wide range, in order to learn or reinforce the skill of attending first-aid. The entire seminar lasted the whole day, i.e. 8 hours and it felt reassuring to learn so much and practice the procedures with mannequins. Naturally, the whole seminar was conducted in German and I was pleased with myself that I was able to understand almost everything - except a couple of times when specific terminologies were used in German where I was unfamiliar with. Then I asked a friend of mine for a quick translation. I took notes carefully and repeated the steps in my head repetitively. 

At the end of the day, I was proud to have learnt how to execute each step should anyone require first-aid attention. It was at times mundane and slightly monotone since there was not always an activity in between to keep the learners focused but fortunately I managed to stay concentrated and remain persevered to understand the difficult language vocabulary used. 

There was even ethical issues debated heatedly by a fellow student, a middle-aged man, who argued that one should call the emergency unit prior to attending the victim. However, this was not the case as one would be unable to inform the authorities how serious the situation is without first inspecting victim. 

To summarise, I have learnt how to do… a stabile Seitenlage, Herzdruckmassage, and how to use the AED (or Defi for defibrillator). The following image from Google Images shows the entire procedure in German:

A german flow-chart explaining the procedure to first aid (selected from Google Images)
Following that, we learned how to carefully tend to an injury such as poisoning (from alcohol, carbon monoxide, berry etc.) as well as fractures and the loss of minor body part such as a tooth or a finger. 

To recap, here are my achieved Learning Outcomes for this Service CAS activity:
  1. Increased my awareness of my areas of strength and weaknesses: communication and interaction.
  2. Undertook the new challenge of attending a First-Aid Course where German is the language of instruction, i.e. my second learnt foreign language.
  3. Planned when to go where and register myself in advance for the seminar.
  4. Worked collaboratively when necessary during the training.
  5. Showed perseverance as I attend 2x four-hour trainings in one day.
  6. Engaged with an issues of global importance, i.e. health and safety, medical attention and care.
  7. Considered the ethical implications of my actions for serving my community.
  8. Developed a life-saving skills.
I enjoyed learning so much in a subject I am very interested in and I hope to further increase my knowledge and expertise is this area in the near future. For the time being though… driver’s licence here I come!

My certificate for successful participation in the first-aid course seminar!

Sunday, 26 April 2015

Earth Day 2015

Clean Up! Clean Up! Everybody Everywhere!

We just celebrated Earth Day this past week and it was a complete success - especially the Rhine Clean-Up which took place on Friday!

Activity Planning

Several weeks ago, we were offered by our fellow students of an opportunity to help organise the up-coming Earth Day celebration. To our enthusiasm on another CAS activity - we could not help but say ABSOLUTELY!

After two meetings with Ms Welsh as a group of DP1 students, along with other teachers who were keenly involved, we were responsible for four tasks in this project: Firstly, we were in charge of making a big, bright and bold banner for our Earth Day celebration which we would use to represent and unite our school. Next, we were asked to help set up and supervise the younger students of our school during the Green Market - which will occur during the very day of Mother Earth. Following that, was the major task of organising and mapping out of the Rhine for a special clean-up (on which I will evaluate further on in just a moment). Finally, we had to give a short informative presentation to the whole Primary School for the purpose of explaining the Rhine excursion. The whole gist of this CAS activity is to celebrate the Earth we all live on and to (more importantly) raise awareness to care for our environment more devotedly.


We had a brilliant time taking leisurely trip to the Rhine for some CAS planning! Essentially we were trekking, tracking our position on the Rhine river bank with a mobile GPS as well as taking plenty of photos in order to localise our various cleaning regions and marking the critical sites. This was all done for us to get a clear idea of the terrain we are in and how we should prepare the classes of students for the clean-up. The only downside of the walk was when we realised just how vast the bank truly was and then planned to hurry the mapping process.

DP1 Class CAS - Seniors enjoying the Rhine
DP1 Class CAS - Seniors at work!
Painting the banner was a pleasure! It took a team of four dedicated students to finally produce this Earth Day banner in one and a half days. We were honestly quite proud with our creation since it was exactly what we had envisioned at the start of the drawing phase. We worked cooperatively and gave each other ideas and tips to bring the piece together. I certainly would not mind making such an artistic contribution again - after all it is one of my hobbies.

Painting for our Earth Day banner

Proud to present the final product!
The very day we completed our banner, was the very day we were to present to the primary school students of their hard-working activity on the following day by the Rhine. At first, we were somewhat nervous but as soon as we were handed the microphone, all anxiety evaporated. With the help of a friend, both of us were giving the presentation in English an in German (hence this shows the international mindedness of our IB school - *wink wink*). It felt wonderful to see their excitement and hype as soon as we showed them the photos of the regions to be cleaned and informed them on the necessary footwear and other necessities. To be a part of expressing to these children on the importance of Earth Day - which should in fact happen everyday - was a tremendous accomplishment in itself - even before the whole clean-up had begun! To my surprise, I was complimented at the end of the presentation by two primary teachers on my oratory skills. I was truly honoured by their statements and could not believe they felt so. Perhaps an idea for my next CAS activity could be something to do with improving my public speaking…

The view from up here - the Rhine!
Walking and mapping and snapping panoramas!
Back to the main course of the Earth Day celebration - the CLEAN-UP! One of the most significant things I learned that splendid day at the river was that cleaning is fun! Much to my surprise, the younger students found joy in collecting as much litter as they could in the time slot they were allocated.
Collecting litter!
A successful clean-up for Class 3/4 D!
Altogether, I had a brilliant time showing them just how helpful their actions are to our community. When directing and supporting some of the shyer ones, I asked “why do you think people do this? Why do they carelessly throw aluminium barbecue trays or plastic wrappers or even slippers away on the grass?” It was unfortunate but many could not answer for they simply did not understand how such an occurrence could happen. I gently informed them that it was because as you grow older, you think less about the environment and worry more about other complicated things - which I strongly believe is true! The city life can spin you into a world of hectic chaos that you forget the basics of life itself! Walking several metres would not do anyone harm to throw away an unwanted item in a recycle bin properly. In fact, it would promote health and fitness!

Fun by the Rhine!

Region C of the Rhine cleaned!

Clean up boys!
After exposing myself to this Earth Day Clean-Up, I finally understand what many dedicated environmentalists have to endure. The ceaseless pressure society inflicts upon their job, as well as the constant perseverance for awareness raising and more. I have never respected those at work to keep our community clean more than ever and I will look up towards them continuously. 

Keep it up girls!

More recycling and collecting!
All 18 classes who participated in this activity, from the youngest primary students to the 7th Graders in middle school, had experienced a great clean-up along the Rhine. Engaging with the local community had never been more enjoyable! The splendid day came to a rest after six full hours and with a grand total of 200 bags collected!

Success for the Seniors!
To summarise, I have accomplished the following Learning Outcomes

1. Increased my awareness for areas of strengths and growth as I manage this task to organise, plan and educate the younger pupils. People skills will be necessary to communicate effectively with the teachers.
2. Undertook a new challenge to plan a huge cleaning for the benefit of the local community as well as paint a huge banner to represent our school in the city.
3. Prepared and organised the mapping out, times slots and program for the classes visiting.
4. Worked collaboratively with Ms Welsh and Ms Nowak, as well as my classmates during planning. And certainly with the children during the cleaning trip!
5. Showed much dedication to this project to realise the task successfully!
6. Engaged with issues such as global warming, ecology and learning through experience with the children.
7. Considered important ethical issues when engaging with the environment and awareness raising to local citizens.
8. Increased my expertise in an established area of skill: communication, presentation and finally cleaning!

All the hours I have accomplished during the whole Earth Day CAS activity
Together as a class, we look forward to next year’s Earth Day celebration with much excitement. Hopefully, more CAS comes my way before then…

Evita ☺

Saturday, 7 March 2015

World Reading Day '15

A visit from the Gruffalo - or in German: der Grüffelo!

The purpose of this CAS activity is to celebrate World Reading Day on March 5th, to recognise the importance of books and the skill of reading throughout the world, for which most of us take for granted. It allowed me to plan and arrange a date to meet with the teachers of whose class I will be reading out a book to in my foreign languages such as French and German.

COSPLAY! The Phantom of the Opera - Queen of Hearts - Minho from the Maze Runner
Daisy from The Great Gatsby - Hermione from Harry Potter - Heidi
Activity Planning

This activity was simple yet very achievable. The chances of a successful experience was high as long as I remained motivated throughout the activity. It was a challenge in several ways for me: (1), to read aloud to a large group of young students in my school (2), to read confidently and amusingly in my learned foreign languages and (3) to involve them in an interesting questioning session after the book reading. I hope I was able to successfully show them the importance of reading books for knowledge as well as entertainment!

Ms Mukherjee, a teacher in our school, had first organised a list a e-mails of several class teachers to whom my classmates and myself were to present ourselves to. Then it was up to me to e-mail them and express my interest in this CAS activity by providing my skills and showing them the benefits of the project for the class and myself. Finally I had selected a book together with the teacher of the class, Ms Reich, suitable for the age group and their amusement. She also offered me some tips as to how I could best engage the children in the story and with practice, she assured me success of the reading!


By the end of this CAS activity I have accomplished the following Learning Outcomes:

1. Improved my skills such as meeting with new people and especially interacting with younger students of my school.
2. Undertaken a new challenge to read a children’s story book to a class out-loud in a foreign language that I have acquired in my academic years.
3. Planned and arranged shifts suitable for meetings with the class teachers and the actual narration to the class on World Reading Day.
4. Worked co-operatively with the teachers to make this a success for the children.
5. Showed perseverance as I practiced reading the book out-loud before the actual event.
6. Engaged with the importance reading on World Reading Day.
7. Reflected on my ethical implications on my actions to promote and support World Reading Day.
8. I have developed my confidence in reading excitingly out-loud in a foreign language and communicating with the students!

Fortunately, with this CAS activity, I had encountered only minor difficulties and it was overall an absolute success and pleasure to have done this!  The children were very enthusiastic as soon as I presented the book. I even had to ask them kindly not to spill the details of the book for anyone who is unfamiliar with the story! Luckily, they cooperated wonderfully and payed me their full attention as I read in clear intonations. Practicing beforehand several times at home with myself, with my father as well as a friend certainly helped boost my confidence in narrating the story. When Word Reading Day had arrived, I had practically memorised the story by heart!

Der Grüffelo!
It felt really wonderful knowing I was able to help make the children’s experience of WRD amusing and fun. I loved interacting with them afterwards with a short Q&A session where I asked simple questions to encourage them to think about what they have learned from the story. I personally enjoy reading as it is one of my hobbies and with that said, I do see the importance of celebrating World Reading Day in school as well as showing appreciation to authors and the presence of books - for without them we would not be inspired by the knowledge or imagination they carry.

Reading out loud!
Q&A time!
Perhaps for next year’s celebration, the older students of the school could also enjoy the festivity by simply coming to school with a good book each. No tables, no chairs, just bean bags and hot chocolate for everyone to enjoy! This would be the perfect reading day! - Another CAS idea I believe?

Evita ☺